Keepers At Home

"The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Titus 2:3-5 (KJV)

When I was in my early thirties, I wanted to teach women. The opportunity never happened. As I have become older, I look back and realize that I did not really know that much anyway. Now, I am fifty-five and still have a lot to learn! But, I decided to make this page to encourage other women in their walk with God. Whether you are a housewife as your career choice or are juggling two careers, I hope this site can encourage you. As wives and mothers, we are all keepers at home. I hope every woman will be blessed as they read items on this page. God bless you. bja

My Best Gift by: Belinda Jo Adams

Hearing my babies’ first words – Helping with their first steps – Enduring the agony as well as enjoying the thrill of them cutting teeth. – Listening to their stories. – Stopping their arguments – Drying their tears and sharing their hugs. – Supporting them during problems ... and victories – Taking time to teach them God’s Word. – Eight and a half years of teaching them at home, both school work and homemaking. Time with my husband, no matter what schedule he worked. – Taking time for each other as well as the children. – One whole year of him coming home for lunch with us. – Family vacations without the conflict of jo schedules. Serving The Lord through various ministries of our church and helping others in need. – Now, time for fulfilling one of my heart’s desires with my writing; hoping to be a witness and blessing to others. I know this may sound like a lot of gifts, but my husband and I made a decision more than thirty years ago, that I would stay home and be a full time housewife. Now that the children are grown and I look back over the years, I know making that choice has been my best gift. ~ end ~

Priorities by: Belinda Jo Adams

The priority list shown below is not original, but is a good one to go by. It has been my guide most of my adult life.

# 1 Daily life with Christ - This includes Bible reading and prayer. Keep a journal of your Bible reading. Prayer is your way of talking to God. Take a few seconds or minutes of silence just thinking about God our Creator and Savior.

# 2 Husband - Do special things for your husband. Tell him you love him, often. Write little notes to him. Plan special things together. Let him know he is important enough for your undivided attention.

# 3 Children - Plan special activities for them, too. Listen to them. Give them your attention.

# 4 Personal Care - Take time to care for your body. It is the tabernacle of the Lord.

# 5 Household - Be organized, but remember, your house does not have to be spotless. Teach the children to do their part.

# 6 Outside Ministry - There are many things you can be involved in, but remember your family comes first. Humbly ask God what he wants you to do for Him. ~ end ~

More articles by Belinda Jo Adams

Good Books to read:

The Bible would be the best!

"Wives Make Your Home A Happy Place" (phamplet # SP27 Wives - Home) by Carlene Camp at Silent Word Ministries

I do not know these people personally or their ministries. I do know the books were good.

"Women Who Do Too Much" by Patricia Sprinkle (Mrs. Sprinkle also has a book titled, "Children Who Do Too Little" -- I have not read that one being my chidlren are grown and gone.)

"Created to be his Help Meet" by Debi Pearl

"The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord" by T. D. Jakes. This is a good book for women dealing with a 'past' of hard memories as well as others. *note* Bro. Jakes did say one thing I did not quite agree with, but I'll let you tell me if you read it.

An article on keepers at home.

Links for Christian Women Organizations:

A Christian Home

Christian Womanhood

Joyful Christian Ministries

No Greater Joy Ministries [Pearls]

Links for modest clothing:

Home Sew

Culottes, Skirts and Jumpers for Sale

Modest Clothing Sites

Dressing For His Glory

Links for other places:

a movie guide

baby shower ideas

more baby shower ideas

Other Links for Keepers at Home sites

Keepers At Home

Counting Sprinkles

Keepers At Home

Training Our Daughters to be Keepers at Home

More articles by Belinda Jo Adams

back to good books to read

Full Time Housewife

Yes, I work. I have chosen as my career to be a full time housewife. No, I did not say a homemaker. God is the home maker, not me. It takes each family member working together to create a homey atmosphere, but it takes the love of God in our hearts for all these different personalities to blend into a home. This is too big a task for any person to handle. I would not want to take the responsibility or the credit for it.

I am not too fond of the term 'homemaker.' It seems to me that some people who use that term for our career think that to be a housewife is not good enough. The word housewife seems to have taken on a negative connotation. The Bible tells us in I Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” During the years, the devil, through the media, has tried to do this by giving fulltime housewives a bad reputation. The duties of my job are to do all I can to meet my husband’s needs and to keep our house in order. I believe that job description fits the title appropriately. I am a housewife.

Any career can be satisfying if done in the right attitude. The career of a fulltime housewife is no different. A housewife makes sure everything in the home is running in good order. This means doing a good job juggling cooking, cleaning, child care, nursing, secretarial work, gardening, chauffeuring, etc. She tries to be something special to each of the family members by listening and being aware of individual needs.

It takes faith to stay home and live on one income when the world tells you it cannot be done. Full-time housewives, sometimes, give up many things to stay home. But, God in His love gives us the things we really need. As Paul tells us in Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Sometimes women say they would like to stay home but they are afraid they would be bored. Boredom comes with any career choice, whether you are filing, typing, or cleaning. With all the variety of jobs a housewife has to do though, there should not be any time for boredom. She does need however, just as any career person, to have her priorities in order.

Each woman needs to accept and support each other for the career choices that they have made. In Hebrews 10:25b Paul tells us …“but exhorting another and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” Housewives need to be supportive of those who have chosen to have a career outside the home, just as others need to be supportive of housewives.

Don’t let Satan win in your life by making you feel as though you must have a career outside the home. I thank God that he has enabled me to be a housewife for the past thirty-five years. We have had many special blessings and memories we would not have if I worked outside the home. Being a housewife is a great career choice. Yes, God is the one who makes a house a home and I am very proud to be a housewife. ~ end ~

American Refrigerators

American refrigerators through the years – magnets holding artistic drawings of elementary school children – pictures of family and friends – prayer cards of missionaries – decorator magnets from travels and favorite things. Every now and I say “I am in tired of this” and clean everything off. My refrigerator door sparkles nice and clean. But, in a month, almost like magic, its cluttered again like a bad habit that I cannot seem to break. But then, I want to see all these remembrances and so I let it be … for a while. ~ end ~

Help and Encouragement From Two of My Grandmothers

My Granny Gill patiently tried to teach me to crochet. Each summer I spent a week with her and helped her wash and starch her colorful table scarves that she had crocheted. During those years I wanted to learn to do the same. I never got past the chain stitch, though no fault of my grandmother’s efforts.

Granny Gill died before I had children, but when I was expecting my first baby I decided to crochet an afghan. I bought the pattern and yarn, then worked on it. It was not nearly as pretty as it should be, and I would have given up if it were not for another grandmother. My husband’s grandmother helped me by doing some of the squares. I felt bad that Grammie Lindsley was doing the work, so I continued crocheting until we had it all done. Now, I realize she did this to encourage me to keep going. I don’t crochet now, but with two grandmothers encouragement I did accomplish one item.

That blanket was still around to wrap around our grandbaby. We never know what we do that will encourage others. It does not have to be a lot - just a word or a helping hand - but as we look for ways to encourage others, let’s do it for God’s glory. ~ end ~

Marriage Is Like A Garden 

It takes a little care each day to make a garden or a marriage flourish. Some newlyweds I talk to, after being married for a year or so, are not happy as they have hoped they would be. Whereas they thought they would live happily ever after, they find conflicts in their marriage.

Of course, there will be conflicts. Any time two people try to agree on one thing there are usually two different opinions. Even if they agree, sometimes the way they think about it is different. But, if you talk about these differences and come up with a compromise, things will usually work out. Let me interject, that if no compromise can be reached … the wife should lovingly obey her husband’s wishes. God will bless her obedience. This action helps him know you trust him and will encourage him to be a better leader. Of course, a loving husband would not ask his wife to do anything against God’s law.

Your friendship in marriage is also as important as it was before you were married. Both of you have to cultivate it with actions as well as words. Doing things for each other, either as a surprise or daily needs, will help make a marriage grow stronger. If you love each other as yourself, you will want to make the other one happy. Then, you will be happy, too.

A bountiful garden does not happen overnight and a good marriage also takes time. As you pull out these weeds of differences and cultivate your friendship, as well as your love, you will reap an abundant harvest of happiness. “Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.” Ephesians 5:33 ~ end ~

~~~~~ Recipe for a Happy Wife ~~~~~

3 c. love; 2 c. faithfulness; 2 c. obedience; 2 c. loyalty; 1 c. kindness; 1 c. friendship; 1 c. sense of humor

1 c. submission; 1 t. romance; 1 t. Excitement about life together; 1 t. Memory of courtship days

Prayer and tongue biting as needed

Step 1 – Take love and mix it with faithfulness, obedience, loyalty, and submission. Add kindness and friendship.

Step 2 – In a separate bowl mix together sense of humor, tongue-biting and romance.

Combine step 2 with step 1 according to necessity. Blend with excitement about your life together and memories of your courtship days. Sprinkle often with prayer. ~ end ~

Who Redesigned Bed Sheets?

We had not needed to buy sheets for a few years. When we bought one of those new deep sided mattresses, we needed new sheets … or at least bottom sheets. My first surprise was the price of a set of sheets. I refused to spend that much money, so I decided to buy a fitted sheet to match top sheets that we had.

When I arrived home with my new sheet and commenced to putting it on the bed, I became confused. Now, why in the world didn’t it fit? I finally realized they had redesigned the way fitted sheets fit on the bed. The elastic used to go at the ends of the bed, not the sides. At first, I thought I had just gone berserk, until I checked to see.

Now, who decided it was all right to change the way millions of people did things is all I want to know! ~ end ~

When I Am An Old Lady

I saw an elderly white-haired lady in the store one day. She had such a sweet disposition, that I prayed to God “When I get old, help me to be that way.” He whispered, “Start now.” ~ end ~


I hope to add more later, but this is enough for a start. I need to go be a 'keeper at home' and get my house straight for the day!

God bless you as you serve Him right where He has called you to do so. Belinda

Poems on the home by Belinda Jo Adams

Our First Grandchild Show and Tell Just a Housewife

Other Writings by Belinda Jo Adams

NOTE: The writings on this web site are copyrighted. If you want to use one, please ask permission. Thanks.